ECOWAS Immersion Program 2024 | For Africa

Economic Community of West African States is delighted to launch their ECOWAS Immersion Program which gives young students professional experience at institutions located across ECOWAS. This program aims to facilitate recent graduates’ transition into professional life by allowing them to familiar themselves more closely with ECOWAS programs, while simultaneously contributing effectively towards program execution. Interns…

Latvian State Scholarship 2024-2025 | Fully Funded

Latvian State scholarship 2024-2025 is now open for international students. Tis is a great opportunity to study your desired course in Europe with a fully funded scholarship. As Latvia is one of the European countries  to offer quality education and a multicultural experience to international students. Those candidates who are really waiting for a fully…

Milan DSU Scholarship in Italy 2023-2024 | Fully Funded

The University of Milan is one of Italy’s best-known and largest public universities, boasting more than 10,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students across several degree programs at Milano Public University. Applications are now being accepted for Milan DSU Scholarship for Italy 2023 at University Milan; international students eligible can take advantage of it and apply for…