University of Otago Scholarships 2023-2024 | New Zealand

Pursue your studies in New Zealand. It’s a good thing! University of Otago Scholarships is open for applications. In this article, we’ll discuss in detail the scholarship, its advantages, and the application procedure. University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship 2023-2024 is a fully-funded Ph.D. award for international students. The scholarship will offer NZ28600 dollars in stipends…

University of Geneva Scholarships 2023-2024 | Fully Funded

The Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva is an internationally renowned research institute. The cutting-edge research that it conducts covers an array of disciplines in science: biology, astronomy, chemistry, and biochemistry as well as computer science, mathematics and pharmaceutical sciences Earth sciences, and environmental sciences. The Faculty houses three National Centers of Competence…

Australia Awards Scholarships 2023-2024 | Fully Funded

Australia Awards Scholarships 2023-2024 are now open for applications. Interested candidates can fill their applications online. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is in charge of administering the Australia Awards Scholarships, which are long-term grants. In accordance with bilateral and regional agreements, they intend to contribute to the development requirements of Australia’s partners. They…