HIT CSC Scholarship china 2023-2024 | Fully Funded

HIT CSC Scholarship 2023-24 is accepting applications for the Chinese Government Scholarship The Harbin Institute of Technology Scholarship 2023-2024 is now accepting applications under the Chinese Government Scholarship Chinese University Program which is one of the largest scholarship programs in the world. Harbin Institute of Technology Scholarship in China provides fully-funded scholarship opportunities in master’s as well as…

Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship in Germany 2023-2024

Are you planning to go abroad for a degree? you should not pass up the opportunity to apply for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship in Germany 2023-24. It is a German scholarship is a great opportunity for students who are from the countries of the Global South comprising Asia, Latin America, and Africa and also states…

Vienna Biocenter Summer School in Austria 2023-2024

Vienna Biocenter Summer School 2023 is a research-oriented , fully-funded summer scholarship program in Austria. The 10-week summer research course allows exceptional and skilled students to study life sciences under the direction by the best mentors in the world in one of Europe’s top research centers. The program offers a stimulating and exciting scientific environment for skilled…