AMI Group – Evaluation

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If you can’t beat the background, join it

Verify the authenticity & validity of the Degrees / Diplomas from respective Universities / Colleges / Institutes in written.

What is Academic Records or Educational Qualification Screening?

Verify the certification, training, or educational claims of a candidate. We contact universities, colleges, vocational schools, etc., to verify dates of attendance and graduation, degrees or certifications obtained, majors studied, GPA, and honors received. The verification of education process is an important part of a quality pre-employment background check. Because of the large number of job applicants who make false educational claims, Education Verification are a valuable honesty check, while helping to protect an employer against negligent hiring claims. Education and training are often key to an employee’s on-the-job success.


What Parameters are Verified?

Key Validations: Authenticity of the course, Course duration, Year of passing, Marks/ Grade obtained, Certificate authenticity,


Source of Verification

Respective Institute or University.


Mode of Verification

Letter of Genuineness, Stamped copy of Degree Certificate, Email, Online


TAT (Turn-Around Time)

3 to 15 business days


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