AMI Group – Evaluation

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Employment Check

Work Hard, Play Down Harder
Verify the employment related information i.e. parameters such as salary, designation, employment period, integrity issues, exit formalities completed, eligibility to rehire, etc. from the HR department or respective authority.
What is Employment Background Screening?

Verify the relevant information of the candidate’s previous employments thoroughly for any variations with regards to their claims. A thorough verification of the candidate’s past employments is carried in order to vouch for correct credentials i.e. every detail on grounds of employment such as salary, designation, employment period, perks, integrity issues, reason for leaving, etc. This check is done in order to qualify any discrepancies if there are any, related to the candidates’ previous work assignments which gives us an accurate & detailed brief about the candidates’ work ethics & employment history. Screening of Employment Background, helps you to mitigate the risk of hiring people with dubious background.


What Parameters are Verified?

Key Validations: Employer Name, Employee Code, Type of Employment, Designation, Department, Date of Joining, Date of Leaving, Supervisors Name, Supervisors Designation, Annual Salary & Other Perks (if any), Reason for Leaving, Attitude Towards Work, Any Integrity Issues, Eligibility for Rehire; If No, Why?, Exit Formalities Completed or No & Any Additional Information (as required).


Source of Verification

Generally, the Human Resource or Admin department of the company. In case of small companies from the owners, partners, directors or some managerial positions in the company.


Mode of Verification

Email, Phone, Site Visit


TAT (Turn-Around Time)

3 to 15 business days

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