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5 Schengen Countries That Issues Tourist Visa Easily

Get your Visa Application right.

Worldwide applications of people who want to travel to the Schengen countries are daily flying to the Schengen Embassies. If you are one among them, speculating about the idea of visiting any Schengen countries, here is something that will make you happy.
Amongst these 26 European countries the top 5 easiest Schengen countries to apply for a Schengen visa from, are as follows:


Lithuania, the former Soviet bloc nation borders Poland, Latvia, and Belarus. The Lithuanian language of the country is one of the oldest languages in the world. Basketball is the most famous sport in this country. Lithuania is the easiest Schengen country to get a visa from, with a positive rate of 98.7% of the applicants applied for their short-term visa application. That is, only 1.3% of applications were rejected. 


Estonia, formerly a part of the Soviet Union is famous for its castles, churches, and rooftop fortresses. Estonia is listed among the easiest to get a visa from, according to the 2018 rejection rates. Out of the applications lodged at the Estonian embassies abroad, only 1.6% were turned down and the rest 98.4% were granted with a short-term visa to the Schengen Area.


The chances to get a Schengen Visa to the ‘Land of the Thousand Lakes”- Finland is high. Despite the huge number of visa applications they receive, Finland remains an easy Schengen country to get a visa from. Finland has only 1.13% visa rejection which means that approximately 98% of the visa applications were accepted.


Iceland is one of the favourite destinations for immigrants for its dramatic and magnificient landscapes like volcanoes, hot springs, geysers. Iceland has a record of granting 99% of the visa applications with a rejection rate as low as 0.9%. This country is a wonderful way to get a visa to the Schengen Area. However, you need to keep this in mind that Iceland is mostly represented by other countries, and does not have that many consulates of its own. So you are advised to first check where you need to apply.


Latvia, the greenest country is home to the first Christmas tree of the world and, whose flag is one of the oldest in the world. Latvia is the fifth Schengen country from which it is easier to get a Schengen visa with a staggering number of visas every year. Accepting 97.9%, out of the total applications received with only 2.1% rejected, you have a pretty good chance to get a visa from this country. When you think about the application and interview process for the Schengen visa, it is a difficult one to grab hold of. But the above list of countries with their low visa rejection rates is definitely to provide you a sigh of relief and whichever country you select you may have a high chance of getting your visa approved.

So, do not waste your time anymore in slow thinking and get in touch with us to make your journey of visa application a smooth one.

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