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The Barry Goldwater Scholarship 2022-2023 | Study In US

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The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation

The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation was created in 1986 by Congress 1986 as a living memorial in honor of the accomplishments of Senator Barry Goldwater. He served his country for over 56 years as a statesman and soldier and was a senator for 30 years. The U.S. Senate. By providing scholarships to juniors and sophomores in college who plan to pursue careers in research in the sciences of nature and engineering and mathematics, The Goldwater Foundation is helping ensure that the U.S. is producing the quantity of highly skilled professionals needed by the nation in these vital areas. In its 30 years of existence, Goldwater Scholarships have been awarded to a multitude of undergraduates, many of who went to receive other prestigious awards such as the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Fellowship, Rhodes Scholarship, Churchill Scholarship, and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship that support our Scholars who are enrolled in graduate schools. At present, Goldwater alumni can be working on research aiding in the nation’s defense, finding solutions to devastating illnesses and teaching the next generation of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers.

New Chair of Foundation Announced

With profound and sincere appreciation for her dedication to her work, I am pleased to announce Peggy Goldwater Clay’s resignation as Chairman of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation Board of Trustees. As a part of the Board since 1995 she. Clay served as Chair for 19 years. Under her direction, we have successfully collaborated with the Department of Defense National Defense Education Programs to expand the number of awards given annually and develop new programs that promote equality and inclusion of the minorities. It was a pleasure working with her, and I am happy that Ms. Clay plans to remain active on the Board.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees of The Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, I am delighted to share the news of the appointment of Dr. John Yopp will be the new Chair. As a Member of our Board since 2011, he has many years of experience gained through his previous positions being Vice-Chair as well as Chair of the Audit Committee. I am looking forward to cooperating alongside Professor. Yopp is expanding the Goldwater Program to identify and assist the next generation of leaders in the engineering, natural sciences, as well as mathematics across the United States. 

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2022 Goldwater Scholars Announced

As the result of a continuing collaboration in the Department of Defense National Defense Education Programs (NDEP), Mrs. Peggy Goldwater Clay, who is Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, said that Trustees of the Goldwater Board has again been successful in increasing the amount of Goldwater scholarships it awards for the 2022-2023 academic calendar to 417 students from all over the United States. “The Department of Defense’s continued partnership with the Goldwater Foundation ensures we are supporting the development of scientific talent essential to maintaining our Nation’s competitive advantage,” Professor Dr. Jagadeesh Pamulapati, Acting Director Deputy of Research, Technology, and Laboratories, who manages the NDEP program in his explanation of the relationship. The 2022 scholarships will bring the total amount of scholarships given in 1989 by the Goldwater Foundation to 9870.

In an estimate of more than 55,000 college juniors and sophomores, 1242 natural sciences students, engineers, and mathematics were chosen by 433 universities to compete for 2022 Goldwater scholarships. Of the students who submitted their names, one hundred and fifty-five percent of the Scholars are males, while 234 are females, and the majority of them plan to pursue a Ph.D. as their highest goal in their studies. 45 scholars are computer science and math majors, while 308 major in natural sciences and 64 major in engineering. A majority of scholars published their work in top professional journals and have also presented their research at professional society conferences.

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As the result of a long-running collaboration that has been established with the Department of Defense National Defense Education Programs (NDEP), Mrs. Peggy Goldwater Clay, who is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, has declared that Trustees of the Goldwater Board has been successful in increasing the amount of Goldwater scholarships it awards for the academic year by 417 students across the United States. “The Department of Defense’s continued partnership with the Goldwater Foundation ensures we are supporting the development of scientific talent essential to maintaining our Nation’s competitive advantage,” said Dr. Jagadeesh Pamulapati, Acting Director of Research, Technology, and Laboratories, who is responsible for the NDEP program and explained the relationship. TheThe 2022 scholarships will bring the total number of fellowships granted from 1989 by the Goldwater Foundation to 9870.

In an estimate of more than 55,000 college juniors and sophomores, 1242 natural science engineering, mathematics, and engineering students were chosen by 433 institutions of higher learning to compete for 2022 Goldwater scholarships. Of the students who submitted their names, one hundred and fifty-five percent of the Scholars are males, while 234 are females, and nearly all plan to pursue a Ph.D. as their highest academic goal. 45 Scholars are computer science and mathematics majors, while 308 major in natural sciences and 64 major in engineering. A majority of Scholars published their work in top professional journals and presented their research at professional society meetings.

Goldwater Scholars have received many highly prestigious postgraduate fellowships,, including The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Rhodes Scholarship, Marshall Scholarship, Churchill Scholarship, Hertz Fellowship, DOE Computation Science Graduate Fellowship, and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship.

The Goldwater Foundation is a federally endowed organization established under Public Law 99-661 on November 14, 1986. The Goldwater Scholarship Program is in honor of Barry Goldwater, Senator of the United States. Barry Goldwater was designed to help and inspire exceptional students to pursue careers in physical sciences, engineering, and mathematics. Goldwater Scholarship Goldwater Scholarship is the preeminent undergraduate award in these fields.

For further information Visit Official Website 

The post The Barry Goldwater Scholarship 2022-2023 | Study In US first appeared on European Scholarship.

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